Celebrate 25 years of Command & Conquer with a Steam sale!
Buy Command & Conquer™ Remastered Collection with 25% off. SPECIAL PROMOTION! Offer ends 5th October.
Buy Command & Conquer™ Remastered Collection with 25% off. SPECIAL PROMOTION! Offer ends 5th October.
As announced last week, today is the day we receive the final (intended) update for Command & Conquer: Remastered Collection. It's a pretty large one, though, including the following key features...
In Jim Vessella's latest update, he mentions the latest addition to the C&C Remastered Collection source code package - the map editor itself, which is something that the community has loved to expand on for multiple titles in the series. But alas, next week we will see the last intended patch for the C&C Remastered Collection, as the team feels the game has reached the vision that was meant for it during development. It will, however, include bugfixes, quality-of-life changes, and the introduction of the beacon system in multiplayer.g and evolving our Live Service & Content. We will always strive to keep our community as informed as possible.
Jim Vessella provides an announcement surrounding the final patch for the C&C Remasters.
Community streamer Danku recently released a Twitch chatbot for looking up C&C Remastered players highscores.
Jim Vessella, EA Producer provides an update on the Limited Run Collector's editions.
We've just released a couple of ways to embed Leaderboard stats into your livestreams.
I think it's fair to say Command & Conquer Remastered Collection was a resounding success. EA's nostalgia-fuelled real-time strategy revival was a hit with fans and critics alike when it launched in June - and it saw big sales on Steam. But as its developers continue to support the game with balance updates, tweaks and mod support, the inevitable question is this: what's next for Command & Conquer?
A quick update for C&C Remastered Collection has been released, this time focused on fixing several game-breaking bugs that the community has reported since the last patch.
One of the brilliant things about Command & Conquered Remastered is how it remains faithful to the original real-time strategy classic while updating it in all the right areas.But one area the developers left alone was a 25-year-old exploit. You'd think they'd want to fix it - but not this one, because it gave players a fighting chance against the rock hard AI.I'm talking about Command & Conquer's infamous sandbag exploit - aka the best strategy against the AI on the hardest missions.Read more
An amazing Interview with the one and only Joe Kucan aka Kane - Leader of the Brotherhood of Nod.
The new patch for the C&C Remastered Collection is now live and available to everyone. There's a lot of changes, including those from the previous two beta branch patches (both documented and previously hidden ones), and possibly some new ones. Read the full change list and roadmap here. NOTE: If you were using the beta branch patches on Steam, make sure you DISABLE the beta participation for the game to receive this update.
LAN Play, Balance adjustments, Incorporating community maps as official Quickmatch maps, and dozens of QoL improvements and bug fixes across the board. Upcoming Quickmatch leaderboard reset
25 years after its release, Command & Conquer returns to PC gaming in a newly remastered collection comprised of both Tiberian Dawn and Red Alert. But in addition, the source code of the remaster has been released to the public. So in this episode, we dive in and find out how these seminal RTS titles handled strategic AI.
Join Amars90 and the rest of us on Twitch (http://twitch.tv/Amars90) on Friday the 7th of August as we celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Command & Conquer! Look out for a big giveaway, some competitive show matches and special guests frm all across the community as well as an exclusive interview with Joe Kucan! Click for more details!
Jim Vessella posted an update on the C&C subreddit regarding changes in the beta branch of the C&C Remastered Collection, as per last week's call for community input.
Over the past several days we've been actively discussing some of the top balance issues and exploits the community has been highlighting...
The latest in-development patch is available to playtest. It allows you to preview the latest patch that's in progress, including LAN mode. Here's how you can get testing and have some fun with Mods online.
The development of the second patch for the Command & Conquer: Remastered Collection is well underway, and players can test out its beta right now. Aside from an early version of LAN play, it has a feature that will bring a smile to many players - a slider which dictates the speed of Tiberium/ore regrowth, among other changes that will be officially announced once the patch is finished.